

SAI-238D transformer protection and monitoring device

1 . Function Deployment
Model SAI-238DC
Three- time re-pressed closed lock √ phase overcurrent

Inverse phase overcurrent ( in general, very, extremely ) √

Overload alarm and trip protection √

Two-stage negative sequence overcurrent √

Low-voltage protection √

Zero sequence overcurrent protection alarm and trip

Small current zero- sequence overcurrent protection √ alarm and trip
Non-power protection √


2 . Description
2.1 Three- white overcurrent
Device is provided with three sections and white over-current protection : three sections with a definite time composite voltage atresia (I1, I2, I3), white overcurrent protection can also be tuning an inverse (Ii), as a protection phase short circuit faults. Paragraphs and white over-current protection action, generally used for high-pressure side of the circuit breaker tripped .
Overcurrent protection features soft white plate control, soft plate to exit, exit all three sections of white over-current protection ; when input overcurrent white cast back into control when the set value , the section was put into protection .
2.1.1 The three sections of composite voltage alternating -current protection and closing the lock time
Three sections definite time overcurrent white cast back control value (I1nf, I2nf, I3nf) can be controlled independently of each segment usage, the use of composite voltage lockout, lockout behavior bus PT disconnection see Section 2.9.2 . Cast back control setpoint value means:
0 : Exit 1 to 2: inputs - 1: simple overcurrent, 2 : Composite voltage lockout overcurrent.
Composite input voltage lockout after any period of white overcurrent protection starting current component before calculating composite voltage blocking element . Uab line voltage is less than the given value , or negative -sequence voltage U2 is greater than a given value , the voltage blocking element composite action , opening paragraphs of each phase overcurrent protection .
2.1.2 Inverse time characteristics
White inverse time overcurrent protection can choose one inverse time characteristics using three standard controlled by the investment return and value Ifsx control features
System, the values ​​have the following meanings :
0 : Exit , 1,2,3 : inputs ( corresponding to the use of ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) the characteristics of the formula ) .
Inverse time characteristics for the current reference value IP and white inverse time protection current reference value Ii, tP inverse characteristic time constant for the white anti-time protection time constant tIi.
Normal inverse characteristics :

Very inverse characteristics :

Extremely inverse characteristics :

2.2 zero sequence overcurrent protection alarm and trip
This device is set to zero sequence overcurrent protection alarm and trip , mainly for the user and low resistance grounding system settings . Back control of its investment value Ionf value means:
0 : Exit 1 to 2: inputs - 1: Alarm 1: Trip
Zero sequence overcurrent trip protection features soft plate, only the soft plate and cast back into the control values ​​are given , the trip was put into protection ; zero sequence overcurrent alarm input control word can only generate an alarm event .
2.3 small current zero- sequence overcurrent protection alarm and trip
The device is provided a small current zero sequence overcurrent protection alarm and trip , mainly for non-grounded system and user settings . Can be cast back control value (Ioxnf) setting for the alarm and trip . Cast back control setpoint value means:
0 : Exit 1 to 2: inputs - 1: Alarm , 2 : Trip
Small current zero- sequence overcurrent trip protection features soft plate, pressure plate and throw only soft values ​​are given back control inputs , the corresponding trip protection was put in ; small current zero- sequence overcurrent alarm input control word can only generate an alarm events.
2.4 Overload protection
Overload protection device cast back control setpoint values ​​Igfhnf meaning :
0 : Exit 1 to 2: inputs - 1: Alarm , 2 : Trip
Overload trip protection features soft plate, pressure plate and throw only soft values ​​are given back control inputs , the corresponding trip protection only cast
Income ; overload alarm input control word can only generate an alarm event .
2.5 -white negative sequence overcurrent
Device from Ia, Ic calculated two-phase alternating current negative sequence current , set a time limit and white two negative sequence overcurrent protection, phase protection segment Ⅰ be used , Ⅱ section can be used as an imbalance protection.
Negative sequence overcurrent protection features soft white plate , negative sequence overcurrent soft white plate as you exit , two phases were negative sequence overcurrent exit ; when inputs, certain white cast back negative sequence overcurrent control fixed value of investment was put into the protection of the paragraph .
2.6 Low Voltage Protection
The low- voltage protection device cast back control setpoint values ​​JDxxnf meaning :
0 : Exit 1 : loss of pressure + low-voltage protection , 2 : Invalid , 3: pure low- voltage protection
Loss of pressure + low voltage protection conditions are:
1: The circuit breaker together bits
2: The three -phase voltage is less than the low-voltage protection setting
3: When U1 <0.15Un, Imax <0.02In or when U1> 0.15Un, U2 <8V.
Pure low- voltage protection conditions are:
1: The circuit breaker together bits
2: The three -phase voltage is less than the low-voltage protection value and greater than 0.15Un
2.7 Oil change non-power protection
Device access light gas alarm contact , light gas alarm contact closure device after tQWS delay, an alarm signal.
Device Access Heavy Gas contacts , high oil temperature and pressure release action action contacts contacts were established control alarm or trip setpoint ZWStz, YWGtz, YLSFtz, and action delay tZWS, tYWG, tYLSF.
If the alarm or trip control setting value is 0, no letter is not tripped.
After heavy gas contact closure , after tZWS delay, if ZWStz = 1, then a trip command and dispatch .
After high oil contact closure , after tYWG delay, if YWGtz = 1, then a trip command, and letters ; If YWGtz = 2, then an alarm signal.
After pressure release contact closure , after tYLSF delay, if YLSFtz = 1, then a trip command, and letters ; If YLSFtz = 2,
An alarm signal.
Non-power protection plate with a soft , flexible plate only when the corresponding control inputs and set the correct word , the corresponding protection was put into .
2.8 Dry becomes non-power protection
Access to ultra-high temperature operation of the device contacts , high-temperature operation of the contacts were established control alarm or trip setpoint CGWtz, GWtz, and action delay tCGW, tGW.
If the alarm or trip control setting value is 0, no letter is not tripped.
After the ultra-high temperature contact closure , after tCGW delay, if CGWtz = 1, then a trip command, and letters ; If CGWtz = 2, then an alarm signal.
After high temperature contact closure , after tGW delay, if GWtz = 1, then a trip command, and letters ; If GWtz = 2, then an alarm signal.
Non-power protection plate with a soft , flexible plate only when the corresponding control inputs and set the correct word , the corresponding protection was put into .
2.9 System abnormal condition alarm and lockout
2.9.1 bus PT break alarm
Meet any of the following one , issued by the delay device bus PT break alarm signal.
⑴ positive sequence voltage U1 < when 0.15Un, any phase current > 0.04In
⑵ negative sequence voltage U2> 8V.
2.9.2 bus PT break blocking the functional
When the bus PT break, break detection by PT cast back control value PTDXbs select latching behavior.
When you exit voltage lockout and direction components, devices do not have access to the bus voltage , PTDXbs setting is 0 , do not check the PT disconnected.
PTDXbs as a whole , bus PT disconnection voltage lockout -related components: compound voltage lockout components.
Open -related elements when PTDXbs tuning voltage is 2 bus PT disconnection : Composite voltage lockout overcurrent protection becomes simple overcurrent protection.
2.9.3 Control loop break alarm
TWJ and HWJ same time is 1 or 0 , after the alarm delay .

3 . Device tuning
Including soft plate tuning device , the device settings and device parameters in three areas , see 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 .
Tuning should follow the relevant regulations , the device has special requirements in the relevant notes. Device parameters without special needs , it is desirable default values ​​listed in the table . No protection, it should control the value to 0 - exit.
3.1 Soft- plate tuning device
Functional Series
Function Model SAI-238DC SAI-238DD
Three- phase overcurrent √ √
Overload trip protection √ √
Two-stage negative sequence overcurrent √ √
Low-voltage protection √ √
Zero sequence overcurrent protection

Small current zero-sequence overcurrent protection √
Non-power protection √ √
Note : Soft plate only two values: inputs, quit. When the device is shipped , soft plate are tuning to quit.
3.2 Device setting value
No. Name
Symbols tuning range Remarks
A phase
Care segment segment Ⅰ Ⅰ phase overcurrent protection cast back control I1nf 0 ~ 2 Note 1
2 white overcurrent stage Ⅰ current value I1 0.5 ~ 100A
3 Section Ⅰ phase overcurrent delay setting tI1 0.01 ~ 9.99S
Section 4 paragraph Ⅱ Ⅱ phase overcurrent protection cast back control I2nf 0 ~ 2 Note 1
5 phase overcurrent Ⅱ segment current value I2 0.5 ~ 100A
Ⅱ paragraph 6 white overcurrent delay setting tI2 0.1 ~ 9.99S
Section 7 Ⅲ Ⅲ phase overcurrent protection section cast back control I3nf 0 ~ 2 Note 1
8 white overcurrent stage Ⅲ current value I3 0.5 ~ 100A
Section 9 Ⅲ white overcurrent delay setting tI3 0.1 ~ 60S
10 Inverse Inverse time protection features alternate control word Ifsx 0 ~ 3 Note 2
11 white inverse time protection current reference value Ii 0.5 ~ 100A
12 white inverse time protection time constant tIi 0.1 ~ 99.99S
13 PT break detection value of public investment back control PTDXbs 0 ~ 2 Note 3
14 low-pressure phase overcurrent closed lock value ULbs 2 ~ 120V line voltage
15 negative sequence voltage closed lock value U2bs 0 ~ 60V
16 Overload
Overload protection alarm or trip protection cast back control Igfhnf 0 ~ 2 Note 4
17 overload current value Igfh 0.5 ~ 100A
18 overload delay setting tIgfh 0.1 ~ 99.99S
19 Negative sequence over
Stream protection zones of phase Ⅰ Ⅰ negative sequence overcurrent stage cast back control I21nf
20 white negative sequence overcurrent stages Ⅰ current value I21 0.5 ~ 100A
21 white negative sequence overcurrent stages Ⅰ delay setting tI21 0.1 ~ 99.99S
22 Section Ⅱ Ⅱ and white negative sequence overcurrent paragraph cast back control I22nf 0 ~ 2 Note 4
23 white negative sequence overcurrent Ⅱ segment current value I22 0.5 ~ 100A
24 white negative sequence overcurrent Ⅱ segment delay value tI22 0.1 ~ 99.99S
25 white negative sequence overcurrent II segment Inverse Control I2fsx 0 ~ 1 Invalid
26 small current
Zero sequence over
Flow zero sequence overcurrent protection alarm or trip cast back control Ixonf 0 ~ 2 Note 4
27 zero- sequence overcurrent voltage setpoint Ixo 0.005 ~ 0.999A
28 zero- sequence overcurrent delay setting tIxo 0.1 ~ 99.99S
29 low voltage protection Low voltage protection trip setpoint ULnf 0 ~ 3 Note 6
30 low- voltage line voltage setpoint VUL 10 ~ 100V
31 Low-voltage protection delay setting tUL 0.1 ~ 99.99S
32 low-voltage current closed lock invalid value ILbs 0 ~ 10A
33 non-power
Protection of non-electricity a trip or alarm control FDL1tz 0 ~ 2 Note 5
34 non-electric delay setting an amount tFDL1 0.01 ~ 99.99S
35 non-power 2 trip or alarm control FDL2tz 0 ~ 2 Note 5
36 non-power two delay setting Tfdl2 0.01 ~ 99.99S
37 non-power 3 trip or alarm control FDL3tz 0 ~ 2 Note 5
38 non-power 3 delay setting tFDL3 0.01 ~ 99.99S
39 non-power 4 trip or alarm control FDL4tz 0 ~ 2 Note 5
40 non-power 4 delay value tFDL4 0.01 ~ 99.99S
Note 1 value meaning I1nf, I2nf and I3nf follows:
0 : Exit 1 to 2: inputs - 1: simple overcurrent 2 : Composite voltage lockout overcurrent
. 2 Ifsx values ​​have the following meanings :
0 : Exit 1 to 3 : Inverse - 1: General , 2 : very , 3: Extreme
. 3 PTDXbs values ​​have the following meanings :
0 : Exit 1 to 2: inputs - 1: PT break blocking voltage components , 2: PT break open voltage components
4 Value Meaning Uobj, I22nf and Igfhnf follows:
0 : Exit 1 to 2: inputs - 1: Alarm 2 : Trip
. 5 GWtz, YWGtz, YLSFtz CGWtz meaning and value are as follows :
0 : Exit 1 to 2: inputs - 1: Trip 2 : Alarm
. 6 ULnf values ​​have the following meanings :
0 : Exit 1 to 3 : inputs - 1: voltage protection 2 : Invalid 3 : Low- voltage protection
3.3 device parameter tuning
No. Name Symbol Range Default
A device -level management device mailing address ADDR 1 ~ 110
2 operation of the device password is PASSWORD 0 ~ 99
3 baud baud rate setting BTL 0 ~ 9
4 AC rated CT primary current rating of the amount Sec.IN 0 ~ 65535A
5 PT primary current rating Sec.UN 0 ~ 999.9KV

4 . Protection Principle wiring diagram